Funny how things keep surfacing in one’s brain.  Won’t let go, refuse to be ignored.  So it was with “The Canyon”, so listed but often called the grotto by locals.  When I was there with Mr. C we hadn’t pushed right in; Mr. C had never gone past a certain point and, frankly, I couldn’tContinue reading ”      BACK INTO THE BREECH”

                    THE HOMAGE

DOWN IN THE BLUEGUM FOREST Walk in the Blue Mountains often enough and there’s a name that will crop up.  Blue Gum Forest.  No serious walker can avoid it, so the fact that I’d managed to not go there for 76 years indicates how serious I’d been.  For the seasoned hiker it’s usually part ofContinue reading ”                    THE HOMAGE”


I’d decided to take the mountain bike.  This would be its first trip away and I planned to use it.  My main goal was Hanging Rock, a dazzling precipice somewhere in the Blue Mountains that I’d seen pictures of but never really chased.  Then someone posted a dawn shot on Facebook and I was trulyContinue reading “JUST HANGING FOR IT”