Funny how things keep surfacing in one’s brain.  Won’t let go, refuse to be ignored.  So it was with “The Canyon”, so listed but often called the grotto by locals.  When I was there with Mr. C we hadn’t pushed right in; Mr. C had never gone past a certain point and, frankly, I couldn’tContinue reading ”      BACK INTO THE BREECH”

                    THE HOMAGE

DOWN IN THE BLUEGUM FOREST Walk in the Blue Mountains often enough and there’s a name that will crop up.  Blue Gum Forest.  No serious walker can avoid it, so the fact that I’d managed to not go there for 76 years indicates how serious I’d been.  For the seasoned hiker it’s usually part ofContinue reading ”                    THE HOMAGE”


The whole day had been spent in the motorhome, literally.  With stories and photos to catch up on there was days of work to do.  That, and the fact my body was sending me messages – “No more stairs today please” being the foremost. That all went well until the sun dipped low in theContinue reading “THE OTHER WORLD”


It hurt, I couldn’t deny that.  It also caused a significant portion of my clothing and self to get wet….and a bit dirty.  The pain in my left hip indicated that a rock had been involved somewhere, but it was the stick that did it.  That, and my clumsiness.  I couldn’t help but reflect thatContinue reading “TO BURGESS AND BACK”


Clearly, Terrace Falls aren’t meant to be found.  I checked my guide book.  Lots of times.  I followed my GPS.  Clearly it really didn’t have a clue.  There’s supposed to be a carpark but where in Hades it was located was a mystery to us all.  The only thing I came across was a deadContinue reading “VICTOR-Y IN SIGHT”


Beyond apprehensiveness, where I was going was scary.  Well, the place where I wanted to photograph from was, so, when I drove past 9, count them n-i-n-e, police and rescue vehicles with flashing lights I could be excused for taking it as an omen.  Still, it was a few kilometres from where I was aimingContinue reading “SOME DAYS ARE DIAMOND’S”


It’s so refreshing for the mind though, having to find ways where there are none, noting every footfall, testing each fallen branch because some are wont to crumble and feeling the natural softness of a bed of fallen leaves.


It was raining, only raining seems an overstatement.  The Blue Mountains were in a cloud, literally.  It was a precursor to what was to come, according to the weather bureau.  I’d considered doing something in the morning, casing Leura and trying to find out when Leura Cascades would be re-opening, but to no avail.  SoContinue reading “MINNEHAHA, A GEM IN THE CANYON”